Day 5 program now available below!

MARCH 18, 2021 .png)
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Dr. Srinivas Murthy
Srinivas Murthy is board-certified in infectious diseases and critical care. His areas of interest are severe infections, innovative clinical trials, and infection prevention.
Dr. James Downar
James Downar is a Critical Care and Palliative Care physician in Ottawa. He graduated from McGill Medical School and completed residency training in Internal Medicine, Critical Care and Palliative Care at the University of Toronto. He has a Master’s degree in Bioethics from the Joint Centre for Bioethics at the University of Toronto. He is currently the Head of the Division of Palliative Care at the University of Ottawa, and holds a Clinical Research Chair in Palliative and End of Life Care. He is the co-chair of the Pan-Canadian Palliative Care Research Collaborative and the Secretary of the Canadian Critical Care Society. He has authored more than 85 peer-reviewed publications, has been principal investigator on more than 20 peer-reviewed grants, and is a former Associated Medical Services Phoenix Fellow. His research interests include communication and decision-making for seriously ill patients and their families; Palliative Care for the Critically Ill; and Palliative Care for Noncancer Illnesses.
Dr. Laurent Brochard
Laurent Brochard is a physician working in the Intensive Care Unit of St Michael’s Hospital (Unity Health Toronto) and in the Keenan Research centre. He is the Director of the Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine in the University of Toronto, and holds the Keenan Chair in Acute Respiratory Failure and Critical Care Medicine. He is a world leader in Respiratory failure, and is leading a Centre of Excellence in Mechanical Ventilation in Toronto.
Dr. Shelly Dev
Dr. Dev is an Academic Intensivist and Medical Educator in Toronto. Over the last few years, Dr. Dev has written and spoken extensively in the medical community and to the wider media, including interviews on CBC Radio and The Globe and Mail, on Physician Burnout, Physician Mental Health and Medical Culture and continues to do so at both the national and international level. |
Dr. Ken Parhar Dr. Ken Parhar is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Calgary. Ken has completed fellowship training in Critical Care Medicine in Calgary, which included training in echocardiography as well as an advanced fellowship in Cardio-Thoracic Critical Care at Papworth Hospital in Cambridge, England, with a focus on mechanical circulatory support. Ken is the Medical Director of the CVICU as well as the ECLS program, and is also leading a combined QI/research project on ARDS management in Calgary. |
APRIL 15, 2021
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Kristen MacEachern
Kristen is the Registered Dietitian in the Intensive Care Unit at Mount Sinai Hospital, where she has worked for the last 15 years. Kristen completed her undergraduate degree at Mount Saint Vincent University, and a Masters of Science degree within the department of medicine researching gastrointestinal physiology, at the University or Calgary. Kristen has been a part of the critical care nutrition network in Canada and has been the principle investigator or a co investigator for single centre and multi centre trials, and has presented work locally, nationally and internationally.

Dr. Bram Rochwerg Dr. Rochwerg is an intensivist and researcher based at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. His main focus of research includes resuscitation medicine and intravenous fluid use in sepsis. He has gained knowledge and expertise in meta-analysis, network meta-analysis and randomized controlled trials. His other area of focus is clinical practice guideline methodology and he currently works with many international organizations supporting their guideline development projects. He serves on the executive for the Canadian Critical Care Society, the Internal Medicine Section at the Society of Critical Care Medicine and The Canadian Critical Care Trials Group.

Dr. Jeffrey Shaw
Dr. Jeffrey Shaw is duel trained in Critical Care and Cardiology with a specialty in echocardiography. He is co-lead of Calgary’s cardiogenic shock program and has special interest in critical ultrasound. |
Dr. Alya Kamani Dr. Kamani is a Critical Care Physician and ICU Residency Director at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Ontario. She is also a Consultant Medical Toxicologist at the Ontario Poison Centre at The Hospital for Sick Children. |
Dr. Shaheeda Ahmed
Dr. Shaheeda Ahmed is a Cardiologist and Associate Professor at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre at the University of Toronto. She is the Site Director of the SHSC Cardiology Training Program, the SHSC Education Lead for the DOM, the Ontario Representative for the Canadian Society of Echo, and a Quality Reviewer/former Examiner for the Royal College of Canada Cardiology Examination Board. Her academic focus is education and clinical interests acute care, cardio-oncology and echocardiography.
MAY 6, 2021
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Dr. Dean Karvellas
Dr. Constantine (Dean) Karvellas is a Professor of Medicine (Critical Care Medicine and Gastroenterology/Hepatology) at the University of Alberta and an Adjunct Professor in the School of Public Health Sciences. He practices Critical Care Medicine and Hepatology at the University of Alberta Hospital and is involved with the Liver Transplant program. He is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Hepatology and the American Journal of Transplantation. Dr. Karvellas is a Clinician Scientist whose publications reflect his interests in acute liver failure (ALF), acute on chronic liver failure (ACLF), liver transplantation and extracorporeal liver support. |
Dr. Hilary Meggison
Dr. Meggison is an Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa. She is a fellow of the Royal College in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Critical Care Medicine. She currently works at the Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus as a full time Intensivist and provides consultations for Endocrinopathies associated with critical illness.
Dr. Margaret Herridge Margaret S. Herridge MSc MD FRCPC MPH is Professor of Medicine, Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine at the University Health Network; Senior Scientist in the Toronto General Research Institute; Director of Research for the Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, University of Toronto. She completed her research training at the Channing laboratory/ Harvard School of Public Health. Since 1997, her group has completed 3 cohort studies: 5-year outcomes in survivors of ARDS ;1-year outcomes in survivors of SARS ; 2-year outcomes in patients after 7 days of mechanical ventilation and their family caregivers (RECOVER Program (Phase I)). Currently, Dr. Herridge is co-leading the CIHR-funded CANCOV Program (Canadian Prospective Multi-Centre 1-year Cohort Study of COVID-19 patients and caregivers). She is a frequent international speaker on outcomes after critical illness.

Dr. Sam Shemie
Dr. Shemie’s area of interest is organ replacement during critical illness. He is a pediatric critical care physician, ECMO specialist and a trauma team leader at the Montreal Children’s Hospital, McGill University Health Centre. He is a Professor of Pediatrics at the Montreal Children’s Hospital, McGill University and honourary staff in the Department of Critical Care Medicine, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto. He is medical advisor, deceased organ donation, with Canadian Blood Services. His academic focus is advancing the science and practice of deceased organ donation. His research interests include the clinical and policy impact of organ failure support technologies, the development and implementation of national ICU-based leading practices in organ donation and research at the intersection of end-of-life care, death determination and deceased donation.
JUNE 24, 2021
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Dr. Karen Bosma
Dr. Bosma is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Associate Scientist at the Lawson Health Research Institute, and Attending Consultant, Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital in London, Canada. Her primary research interest is patient-ventilator interaction and its impact on sleep, delirium and weaning from mechanical ventilation with a secondary research interest in acute lung injury/ARDS. She is currently co-PI of the multi-centre PROMIZING Study, examining Proportional Assist Ventilation versus Pressure Support to aid recovery and weaning from mechanical ventilation. |
Dr. Jan Friedrich
Jan Friedrich is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto and Medical Director of the Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit and a practicing critical care physician at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. He has a background in clinical epidemiology and research interests include treatment of acute renal failure in ICU patients.

Dr. Wendy Sligl
Dr. Wendy Sligl is Professor in the Department of Critical Care Medicine and Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Alberta. She practices in the ICU as well as General and Transplant Infectious Diseases. She has a Master’s of Science in Epidemiology and is a Clinician Scientist with interests in sepsis, pneumonia, bloodstream infections, respiratory viral infections and infections in the immune compromised host.
Dr. Victoria McCredie
Victoria McCredie is an Assistant Professor in the Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Toronto and a Clinician Scientist at the University Health Network. Victoria’s ongoing clinical research program aims to improve the delivery of neurocritical care for patients with acute brain injury. Specifically, she works to achieve this goal by translating best-practice neurocritical care to the bedside and developing new technological strategies to improve the time to detection and treatment of secondary brain insults.
Dr. Ryan Zarychanski
Dr. Zarychanski is a Critical Care physician, Hematologist, and Clinician-Scientist at the University of Manitoba and CancerCare Manitoba. His research focuses on the hematologic aspects of critical illness where he leads several international randomized trials in the fields of COVID-19, sepsis and transfusion medicine.
JULY 15, 2021
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Dr. Neil Adhikari
Neill Adhikari is an intensivist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and appointed to the Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine and Institute for Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation at the University of Toronto. His research interests include critical care delivery in under-resourced settings and clinical trials. He co-leads the Toronto-Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration in Critical Care Medicine.

Dr. Finot Debebe
An emergency physician. First critical care fellow.

Dr. Subhash Acharya
Prof. Dr. Subhash Acharya is the first trained Critical Care Physician in Nepal. He completed is MD Anesthesiology from Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu and then completed his Fellowship in Adult Critical Care from UHN and Mount Sinai Hospital at the University of Toronto in 2012 and return back to Nepal where he started the Fellowship Program in Critical Care Medicine in Nepal in collaboration with the Royal College of Canada from 2013. He is also the President of Nepal Critical Care Development Foundation (NCCDF) and General Secretary of Asia Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine (APACCM).

Dr. James Lee
James Lee is the Emergency & Critical Care Advisor for Médecins Sans Frontières. He works as an Intensivist at various MSF field projects and also maintains an ICU practice in Canada. James has worked in multiple humanitarian settings including conflict zones, natural disasters, and infectious disease outbreaks.

Dr. Luigi Pisani
Anesthesiologist-intensivist, with clinical activity predominantly in Italy. Completed a PhD in 2020 at Amsterdam University and Mahidol Oxford Research Unit on Mechanical Ventilation Practices and Monitoring in Low Resource Settings. At present project coordinator with the Critical Care Africa ICU Registry Network, a UKRI funded initiative.

Dr. Ben Wierstra
Dr. Wierstra is an Intensivist with the Canadian Armed Forces with military deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia. He recently assisted with Critical Care Air Evacuation of COVID19 patients from Winnipeg to hospitals in Ontario during Manitoba's third wave of COVID. He works as a full-time Intensivist in Kelowna General Hospital and holds an Assistant Clinical Professor rank with the University of British Columbia. Dr. Wierstra received his medical degree from the University of Ottawa (2006) and post graduate training in Family Medicine (University of Alberta, 2008), Internal Medicine (University of Calgary, 2016) and Adult Critical Care Medicine (University of Calgary, 2018).

Elizabeth Mitches
Elizabeth Mitches is the Chief Pilot of Porter Airlines. As Chief Pilot she is responsible for managing the airline’s professional pilot group and overseeing the day-to-day flight operation. In addition to her management role, she maintains her qualifications and endorsements as an airline Captain and Check Pilot operating regular flights and conducting pilot training and checking. Before beginning her career as an airline pilot she worked in northern Ontario as an Air Ambulance pilot, operating Medevac flights to remote communities.

Dr. Daniel Patterson
Dr. Patterson is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He studies the health and safety of emergency care shift workers with a focus on sleep health, fatigue, and cardiovascular health among Emergency Medical Services clinician shift workers. He is a Fellow of the Academy of EMS (FAEMS) and an active paramedic who regularly works the night shift.

Dr. Deborah Cook |
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