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Please see all the public webinar recordings below.

If you would like access to additional webinar recordings, exclusive to CCCS members, please log-in to your CCCS member account and visit here.

March 5, 2025

CCCS CPD Webinar - New Guidelines

1. ESICM Guidelines on End of Life and Palliative Care in the Intensive Care Unit presented by Dr. James Downar [Presentation]

2. SCCM Guideline on Recognizing and Responding to Clinical Deterioration Outside the ICU presented by Dr. Kimia Honarmand [Presentation]

September 18, 2024

Fludrocortisone: New Kid on the Block in Septic Shock

May 10, 2023

Canadian Critical Care Forum - Deceased Donations

1. [Keynote Address] Deceased Donation Stream - The Paradigm Shift to Brain-based Death Definition and Determination

Speaker: Dr. Sam Shemie; Moderator: Dr. Bram Rochwerg

2. Death by Neurologic Criteria - J. Singh, A, Healy, M. Chasse, J. Nevis Briard, N. McKinnon, P. Chidwick, M. Hartwick

3. Death by Circulatory Criteria - G. Singh, N. Murphy, M. Slessarev, A. Sarti, G. Boyd, J. Nevis Briard, N. McKinnon

October 27, 2021

Physician wellness and coping during the pandemic and beyond 

Panelist - Dr. Alison Fox-Robichaud, Dr. Karen Burns, Dr. Shelly Dev, Dr. Peter Brindley, Dr. Peter Dodek & Dr. Jennifer Hancock

June 3, 2021

RIPPLE workshop: Facilitated by Dr. Dominique Piquette

January 6, 2021

Double webinar: Dr. Dominique Piquette on 2020: A Year of Joys and Content (surpringsly!) & Dr. Bram Rochwerg The WHO Living Guideline on COVID-19 Management

About the Association

The Canadian Critical Care Society (CCCS) is the National Specialty Society, representing Adult and Paediatric Critical Care Medicine physicians in Canada. The practice of Critical Care Medicine in Canada is multidisciplinary and CCCS members hold base specialty certification in anaesthesia, medicine, paediatrics, emergency medicine or surgery and some surgical subspecialties such as cardiac surgery and neurosurgery.

Contact Us


Phone: 1-905-604-0166

Address: 20 Crown Steel Dr. Unit #6, Markham, ON L3R 9X9

For media inquiries, please contact Kathryn Hendrick at (416) 277-6281.

The Canadian Critical Care Society thanks our organizational sponsors, MD Financial Management and Scotiabank for their generous support!

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