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Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee


Mission statement

To promote excellence in the care provided to critically ill patients through life-long learning initiatives, research and advocacy


The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee provides oversight for the Canadian Critical Care Society’s professional activities and products related to continuing professional development and provides guidance and accreditation to partner organizations who provide critical care CPD opportunities. In doing so, the CPD Committee will ensure that the highest standards for CPD activities are achieved.

Target Audience

  • CCCS membership
  • All critical care specialists in Canada
  • All physicians working in critical care or those who want to increase knowledge or skills in critical care medicine


1. Ensure that all CCCS-endorsed educational activities meet the highest standards for CPD and conform to the National Standard of support for accredited CPD activities.

2. Ensure that educational activities are consistent with the perceived and unperceived needs of the critical care medicine community and CCCS membership, through self-assessment and other educational need evaluations, annually and/or after major events co-sponsored with other partner organizations.

3. In collaboration with the Knowledge Translation Committee, disseminate all CCCS-endorsed guidelines and position statements along with an associated CPD-component.

4. Provide accreditation for national, regional, and local level critical care educational activities organized by CCCS or partner organizations.

5. Disseminate information regarding accredited educational activities to CCCS membership.

6. Collaborate with CCCF Academy in their offering of their annual conference and CPD activities throughout the year.

7. Evaluate CPD strategies and activities with outcome measures with post-evaluation results for each accredited CPD activity and on an annual basis.

8. Adhere to the CMA Guidelines for Physicians in Interactions with Industry (2021) and CCCS conflict of interest and sponsorship policies (draft, not yet approved) in communications with industry for all CPD-related planning and activities.

CCCS CPD Needs Assessment

The Continuing Professional Development Committee of the Canadian Critical Care Society (CCCS) is conducting a needs assessment to determine the educational interests and needs of CCCS members.

Your feedback is important as it will help inform the content, programming, and mode of delivery for Continuing Professional Development activities for CCCS members and critical care physicians in Canada.


About the Association

The Canadian Critical Care Society (CCCS) is the National Specialty Society, representing Adult and Paediatric Critical Care Medicine physicians in Canada. The practice of Critical Care Medicine in Canada is multidisciplinary and CCCS members hold base specialty certification in anaesthesia, medicine, paediatrics, emergency medicine or surgery and some surgical subspecialties such as cardiac surgery and neurosurgery.

Contact Us


Phone: 1-905-604-0166

Address: 20 Crown Steel Dr. Unit #6, Markham, ON L3R 9X9

For media inquiries, please contact Kathryn Hendrick at (416) 277-6281.

The Canadian Critical Care Society thanks our organizational sponsors, MD Financial Management and Scotiabank for their generous support!

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