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2023 Canadian Critical Care Review (Recordings Only)

  • 6 Jul 2023
  • 31 May 2024
  • Virtual


  • Please contact for the access code, you must provide proof of residency to be eligible.
  • Please contact for the access code, you must provide proof of residency to be eligible.
  • Please contact for the access code, you must provide proof of residency to be eligible.

Registration is closed

2023 Canadian Critical Care Review (Recordings Only)

To ensure you are a current member or renew your membership,
visit your member profile. 

Click here to become a member.

*The 2023 CCCR took place on June 8th and 9th. The recordings of the sessions are now available for purchase*

This fundamental critical care review program is designed to meet the educational needs of practicing intensivists and critical care trainees. It addresses clinical challenges faced both during the Royal College critical care subspecialty certification examination and in professional practice.

Registration Type


CCCS Members  
CCCS Members (Physicians) Active Members, Intensivist Affiliate Members
Non-Intensivist Associate Members PhD scientists with an interest in critical care research, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, dieticians, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, pharmacists, physician assistants and other allied health professionals $590
LOW-INCOME COUNTRY* - Non-Intensivist Associate Members (Allied Health Professionals) For PhD scientists with an interest in critical care research, nurse practitioners, nurses, dieticians, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, pharmacists, physician assistants and other physicians.
Resident/Fellow Affiliate Members $590
Physicians $1100
LOW-INCOME COUNTRY* - Physicians $290
Allied Health Care Professionals PhD scientists with an interest in critical care research, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, dieticians, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, pharmacists, physician assistants and other allied health professionals $665
LOW-INCOME COUNTRY* - Allied Health Care Professionals  $170
Residents/Fellows/International Students - Registered in a Canadian program
  • After registering and paying for the 2023 CCCR (recordings only), kindly send a message to
  • All rates subject to provincial taxes.

For low income countries, as listed by the
 most recent World Bank list, registrants will be granted reduced fee. Registrants must provide proof of residency to be eligible for the low-income country rate. For non-members: please e-mail
 and if you are approved, a code will be sent to you.

Payment Options:

  • Pay online by Visa, Visa Debit, or Mastercard.
  • Or by cheque - please make all cheques payable to ‘Canadian Critical Care Society’ and mail to: 20 Crown Steel Dr. Unit #6, Markham, Ontario, Canada, L3R 9X9.

Cancellation Policy

No credits or refunds will be given for cancellations. Should you have any questions, please email

About the Association

The Canadian Critical Care Society (CCCS) is the National Specialty Society, representing Adult and Paediatric Critical Care Medicine physicians in Canada. The practice of Critical Care Medicine in Canada is multidisciplinary and CCCS members hold base specialty certification in anaesthesia, medicine, paediatrics, emergency medicine or surgery and some surgical subspecialties such as cardiac surgery and neurosurgery.

Contact Us


Phone: 1-905-604-0166

Address: 20 Crown Steel Dr. Unit #6, Markham, ON L3R 9X9

For media inquiries, please contact Kathryn Hendrick at (416) 277-6281.

The Canadian Critical Care Society thanks our organizational sponsors, MD Financial Management and Scotiabank for their generous support!

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