MCQs: Due March 21 | PPT: Due April 7
These must be received no later than the stated deadline, as they will be reviewed by the committee and returned to the speaker for final edits, if necessary. Presentations & MCQs are to be sent to events@secretariatcentral.com.
1. Disclosure slide
A disclosure slide must be submitted with your presentation. This slide is to be inserted at the beginning of your presentation and any disclosures or lack thereof must be verbally stated.
2. Learning Objectives Slide
You must include 2-3 learning objectives at the beginning of your presentation. Key information about expectations for learning objectives can be found here. To aid you in developing your learning objectives you can search for information by discipline on the Royal College website here.
* Please avoid verbs that are often used but are open to many interpretations: appreciate, have faith in, know, learn, understand, believe. Click here for a link to suggested verbs.
3. MCQs
A minimum of 5 multiple choice questions are to be asked throughout your presentation. Please review the MCQ instructions on how to submit, found here.
4. Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Our Planning Committee would like to emphasize the importance of EDI within presentation content for 2025. As a speaker, please ensure that you incorporate 1-2 equity, diversity and inclusion principles within your presentation. Ideas might include providing information about how consideration of EDI can change the approach to practice, how not considering EDI in the past lead to suboptimal care, ways in which consideration of EDI might improve care in the future. Please reach out to the CCCR co-chairs if you would like to discuss ideas.
Please Note:
- A minimum of 25% of your presentation time must be interactive.
- Attendees have requested that slides are on a light background, with clear graphics and legible font so that they can be easily read when printing.
- Generic, rather than trade names, must be used in presentations.
- Branding or sponsor logos are not allowed in presentation slides.
- It is important to write references on slides and incorporate evidence if possible.
- Include discussion of commonly encountered barriers to practice change.
- Speakers must comply with the Rx&D Code of Ethical Practices
- Speakers must comply with the The Canadian Medical Association’s (CMA’s) policy guidelines on physicians’ interactions with industry
- Do not forget to include the required disclosure slides at the beginning of your session. Declarations must be verbalized at the start of your presentation.

CONTENT DUE DATE: Wednesday, May 28, 2025
Please send a copy of your FINAL presentation as a pdf, along with any handouts, to events@secretariatcentral.com. All presentations and handouts must be received by by Wednesday, May 28, 2025. This material will be made available to delegates in a password protected area of the CCCR website prior to the conference.
You are responsible for bringing your final presentation on a USB (PowerPoint format) to your session. There will be a technician in the room where you are scheduled to speak that will assist in loading your presentation. Please be sure to visit the technician during the break prior to your presentation. Do not forget to include the required disclosure slides at the beginning of your session. Declarations must be verbalized at the start of your presentation.
The CCCR does not print handouts for speakers. If you have handouts please send to events@secretariatcentral.com by Wednesday, May 28, 2025. They will be made available on the course portal and delegates will be notified to print in advance.
Audio Visual
Your session room will be equipped with the following:
- Screen
- Projector
- Laptop (PC)
- Podium + mic
- Slide aspect ratio is 16:9 for PowerPoint presentations
Please contact events@secretariatcentral.com if you will be using your own computer for your presentation, or if you require video and/or sound.
Further questions? Please contact events@secretariatcentral.com