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  • When can I choose my booth?
    This event does not have a traditional exhibit hall. Sponsors will have allocated space in the break room to network and display their products. 

  • Can you store my materials before/after the event?
    Unfortunately, CCCS will not be able to store your materials before or after the event. If you need options for storing your materials, please contact the venue. 

  • How do I register for my badge?
    You can register for your badge at the "Register your Reps" button linked above.

  • Can I share my badge with my team members?
    We kindly request that you do not share your badge with anyone. Having an accurate list of attendees at the event is essential for the safety and security of this event. 

  • Can I attend sessions?
    Yes! You are welcome to attend sessions, however, we ask that you do not participate in any interactive/Q&A aspects of these sessions. Any branded materials or items with your logo must be left at your exhibit space. 

  • Do I have to stay in the break room for the entire event?
    We encourage keeping your space staffed at all times. CCCS is not liable for any items left unattended at your exhibit space. 

  • Who can I contact with other questions?
    All other questions can be directed to

About the Association

The Canadian Critical Care Society (CCCS) is the National Specialty Society, representing Adult and Paediatric Critical Care Medicine physicians in Canada. The practice of Critical Care Medicine in Canada is multidisciplinary and CCCS members hold base specialty certification in anaesthesia, medicine, paediatrics, emergency medicine or surgery and some surgical subspecialties such as cardiac surgery and neurosurgery.

Contact Us


Phone: 1-905-604-0166

Address: 20 Crown Steel Dr. Unit #6, Markham, ON L3R 9X9

For media inquiries, please contact Kathryn Hendrick at (416) 277-6281.

The Canadian Critical Care Society thanks our organizational sponsors, MD Financial Management and Scotiabank for their generous support!

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